Jhalong Homestay

Jaldhaka Homestay is best option and good accommodation near Jhalong, Bindu at lap of nature and address is: 2 no. F/6 Jaldhaka, Darjeeling. This homestay located at calm and quite place, walking distance from the river Jaldhaka, very close to Bhutan. Days spent with Jaldhaka Homestay will be memorable, come and stay with traditional Gorkhas hospitality.

Tariff Details:

Common toilet & bathroom:

Single Occupancy

Rs. 1000/

Double Occupancy

Rs. 1200/ (max. 3 person)

Extra Bed

Rs. 300/


Attached toilet & bathroom:

Single Occupancy

Rs. 1200/

Double Occupancy

Rs. 1400/ (max. 3 person)

Extra Bed

Rs. 300/

 Jaldhaka Homestay provides facilities like..

  • Ø  Taxi for local sightseeing
  • Ø  Trekking
  • Ø  Fishing
  • Ø  Arrangement of Bon-fire on payment of Rs.1000/ (excluding food items)

How to Reach Jhalong

Nearest railway station is New Mal Jn. distance from Jhalong is 40 KM. around an hrs. driving through Chapramari forest, Kumani road and Khunia-Jhalong road. Second nearest railway station is New Jalpaiguri or NJP, distance around 95 K.M. NJP well connected with all major cities of India. Darjeeling mail, Teesta-Torsa express, Saraighat express, Kanchankanya express etc. connects with Kolkata. Only Kanchankanya express goes to New Mal Jn. from Kolkata (Sealdah).

Nearest airport is Bagdogra, distance from Jhalong is 105 K.M, it’s around two and half to three hrs. journey. Cars are available from airport, Siliguri and New Jalpaiguri station. Public trasprotatin also available from Siliguri bus stand, take buses toward Lataguri, Samsing up to Malbazar, then book or hire car, are around Rs.45/ to Rs.50/. You can hire car from New Mal or from Malbazar, contact Mr. Sunil Thappa, owner, driver of a big Bolero car cum guide, a very fine and honest person, he has good knowledge about locality, local history, describes all about the tourist locations. Call him directly on +91 9733331015  let him know that you got his number from us (RiddhiMart.com), you will get discounts and special treatments.

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